Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cracking the Code

Hello we are starting a new project we are coding in GT. Everyone should learn coding because if you don't know what code is you pretty much don't know how to use a computer. If you don't know how to code then when you want to create a website you don't know what to do also if you want to create a game. Coding is like the middle section of how to use a computer.

My first experience working with code was on Christmas I had a program that would teach me how to mod and code a game.  At first it was kinda hard but it becomes easier than before.  I have coded 2 times before and it was easier each time coding is fun.  The first time i coded i didn't know what to do but then i looked up how to and i learned from that.  When i started coding i thought wow this is hard i was about to give up but it got way easier.

If  could create any game, program or app It would be a building fiction game where there are lasers that destroy building's.  You would play by moving the character around in a sandbox.  You could build anything you can think of.  It would probably be a pc game because it is really big but it could made as an app.  You could do or build anything you can think of.

Friday, October 2, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

My current GT class are making a humorous video and I have learned a couple of things while making our humorous video.  I have learned from this project that you need to make it funny or else its not humorous. I also learned what b-roll is and a-roll and how important it is in a video. I learned that you need clear lighting and good audio or else you cant see or hear b-roll/a-roll.  I have also learned how to edit and create clips in Imovie.  I also learned how to correctly hold and use a camera what the different buttons do.

Pad is the extra time between the beginning and end of the video. Padding is important because if you dont have pad it will cut out your audio.  If you dont have pad and your audio or b-roll is cut out it will not play the video.  Padding is saying 3, 2, 1, Rolling then the speaker will start speaking.  You will have more time if you add pad to make sure that it doesn't cut out the video.

My weakness was adding transitions and effects it was hard because I forgot how to make them.  It was easy for me to import the b-roll and my a-roll. I could improve by adding transitions, effects, music and sound effects.  I could make my monologue better by having better lighting and more video footage and clearer audio. In the future I will follow the rubric to make my monologue into the exemplary section.